A terrible stove

A terrible stove

The terrible stove cave is an interesting tourist, ecological and historical destination, located near Savra on Dugi otok, near the Telašcica Nature Park and the Kornati National Park. The calmness and harmony of the island's landscape in symbiosis with the blue of the Adriatic Sea and the exciting and terrifying beauty of the Terrible Stove provide an indescribable experience that remains forever in the memory.

No archaeological research was carried out in terrible stove. However, considering the immediate proximity of the Vlakno cave, which is an exceptional site, as well as the Kozje and Badanj caves, we can guess that this cave, thanks to its geographical position, at least served as a temporary habitat for the first human populations on the island. One accidental find of a flint artefact was found, a knife from the Stone Age, which, given its shape and processing, can be more closely determined to be in the Neolithic, which is a rare find at the moment.

The entrance to the terrible stove cave is at an altitude of 70 meters. The monumentality of the 10 m wide and 7 m high entrance stands out. The cave is shaped in well-layered rudist limestone. After the entrance, which was most likely created by the collapse of part of the vault, the channel begins to descend gently and then steeper to the bottom, which is filled with collapsed blocks. Between the fused stalactites and stalagmites, nature shaped a space like the vaults of Gothic basilicas. After the picturesque first hall and the penetration of daylight into the cave, you come to the second part of the cave, which exudes an exciting picturesqueness that shakes the soul, and the whole cave exudes romance.

Web page: http://www.strasnapec.com/
