Brbinjščica bay

The dragon's eye and the cave of the dove

This magical place, very popular on Instagram, it is a work of nature created by the weathering of the limestone rock in which it is located. In principle, it is a natural pool in the rock by the sea. Folk legend says that if two lovers bathe together in the Dragon's Eye, they will live a long happy marriage, they will be faithful to each other for the rest of their lives, and their marriage will be blessed with eternal love and healthy children. The dragon's eye is quite deep, measuring about 15 x 5 m with an underwater passage that is connected to the open sea by an underwater passage. The area around the "swimming pool" consists of steeply angled cliffs where you can find an ideal place to sunbathe and enjoy the view. Apart from the Dragon's Eye itself, the entire bay of Brbišćica delights with its geomorphological diversity, which is full of fossils.

Near the Dragon's Eye there is another magical location - the Golubinka cave. You can enter the cave itself by kayak or by swimming, and the scene that awaits you is admirable. Illuminated by the sun's rays that penetrate through a natural window at the top of the cave, this is a must see attraction. At the very end of the Golubinka cave there is a beach where you can rest and enjoy the natural beauty of the Adriatic Sea.
You can reach Brbinjšćica bay by car, where you can also rent a kayak. Source: Elegant
